Got Dry Eyes?

The OCULUS Keratograph® 5M
can help with accurate diagnosis!


The dry eye syndrome explained

What is dry eye?

In a healthy eye, tears are responsible for the perfectly smooth ocular surface which allows clear vision. Tears also clean and lubricate the eye. Every time we blink, a fresh layer of tears, called the Tear film, spreads over the eye. The Tear film is important for keeping the eye moist and comfortable. Sometimes, the eye may stop producing enough tears or tears evaporate too quickly. This common and often chronic condition is referred to as dry eye syndrome.


Life style – staring at computer screens, televisions, or electronic readers for long periods of time, exposure to air conditioning, wind, smoke, and dry climates

Age – dry eye syndrome often gets worse as we age

Gender – women are more likely to develop dry eyes

Other factors – long term use of contact lenses, refractive eye surgery, some medications, medical conditions, such as, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, thyroid problems and inflammation of the eyelids.

The tear film

The tear film is structured with 3 components that work together: a complex mucus component, a watery portion (Aqueous) and a complex oil outer layer (Lipid). The oil component (Lipid) is important for reducing evaporation of tears and also provides structure to the tear film. Lipid is produced by the meibomian glands and is injected unto the tears with each blink. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) can create a deficiency in the lipid component of the tears, which leads to evaporative dry eye.

The watery component produced by the lacrimal glands (aqueous) is also important. A lack of aqueous production can result in another type of dry eye called aqueous deficient dry eye. Aqueous deficient dry eye can be associated with disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.


The OCULUS Keratograph® 5M is an advanced diagnostic device that is used for evaluating the Dry Eye Syndrome and measuring the quality and quantity of the tear film. Keratograph® 5M has a high-resolution color camera and is equipped with intelligent software to analyze the collected data and document the findings. It can also compare the results and show the success of the dry eye treatment. With help of the Keratograph® 5M your doctor can find the root cause of your dry eye syndrome and can suggest the best treatment plan.